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Historical Commission Minutes 02-01-17
Bolton Historical Commission
Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2017
Attending members: Martha Remington, Robert Busch, Alice Coggeshall, Jeannemarie
Padovano and Bill Nickles
Guest: Stacey Haponik
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 pm
1. Minutes from the December 7, 2016 meeting were approved
2. Minutes from the January 18, 2017 meeting were approved
3. Stacey Haponik is attending the meeting as a guest with an interest in joining the
4. In regards to the Town Hall Portico Restoration Martha Remington let the Town know
about the MPFF matching grant program, which is due on March 24th. They may not
want to apply because the funds have already been allocated in the budget.
5. The problem with the missing web page seems to be fixed.
6. Martha Remington would like the Commissioners to spend some time on the website
and recommend any changes or improvements.
7. At 401 Main Street there was a demolition that very well could have required a
demolition permit. The Commission needs to develop a better system in which to track
building permits so proper procedures are followed.
8. The Master Demo list is still being edited and changes will be made once this process is
9. Martha Remington will check with the Town in regards to the payout on the recent
Bollard Damage.
10. Administrivia: Mail
a. Bolton Planning Board Notice of Meeting on February 22, 2017
b. National Preservation Institute 2017 Professional Training Seminars in Historic
Preservation & Cultural Resource Management
c. National Trust for Historic Preservation membership cards
d. National Trust for Historic Preservation Giving Newsletter
e. Preservation Magazine - National Trust for Historic Preservation
11. Martha Remington gave Alice Coggeshall (for the Historical Society) a old cookbook that
was found at 715 Main Street
Meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm
Next meeting will be held February 15, 2017